Impossible, by Erri de Luca

Impossible, Erri de Luca
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A very intense and precious story of Erri de Luca around two characters markedly opposed by circumstances and transcendental crossings of souls. The vagaries of fate are sometimes not so. In extreme reason or even in madness, each one judges his future, his nemesis, his guilt.

In the meeting of these two protagonists the reader is composing his defense and his attack. Changing arguments that predispose us as prosecutors of life in essence, of the counterweights that hold everything in balances that are charging against betrayals and losses, absences and punishments as wishes for revenge.

An exciting interrogation to the limit of what is possible. A powerful reflection on justice and responsibility, and a fierce portrait of human nature.

Two men meet in the mountains on a little-traveled path forty years after a trial in which one dressed in the suit of the accused for belonging to a revolutionary political organization and the other with that of a repentant informer. Only one of the two will leave that place alive to face the law again. 

Erri De Luca delves into that space-time in which something happens that we think could never happen. Starting from that framework, he masterfully intertwines two destinies until he manages to put us on the ropes and make us question our notions about justice and responsibility. 

You can now buy the novel «Impossible», by Erri de Luca, here:

Impossible, Erri de Luca
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