Do not miss the best science fiction books

The best science fiction books

It will not be an easy task to choose the best of a genre as extensive as science fiction literature. But deciding better or worse is always a subjective fact. Because we already know that even flies have their essential eschatological tastes. The best …

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The 3 best books by the fascinating Robin Cook

Robin Cook books

Robin Cook is one of those Science Fiction authors brought directly from the field of medicine. Something like his famous colleague Oliver Sacks but entirely devoted to fiction in the case of Cook. And there is no one better than him to hypothesize about various futures...

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The 3 best books by Arthur C. Clarke

Books by Arthur C. Clarke

The Arthur C. Clarke thing is a unique case of collusion with the seventh art. Or at least his 2001 work A Space Odyssey is. I do not know of another novel (or at least I do not remember it) in which its writing has been produced in parallel to the ...

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Books you have to read before you die

Best books in history

What better title than this? Something light, light, sibilantly pretentious. Before dying, yes, better the fewer hours beforehand to listen to it. That's when you will take your list of essential books and cross out Belén Esteban's best-seller, the one that closes the reading circle of your life... (it was a joke, a macabre one...

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Top 3 Kim Stanley Robinson Books


Science Fiction (yes, with capital letters) is a genre associated by laymen with a kind of fanciful subgenre with no more value than mere entertainment. With the only example of the author that I bring here today, Kim Stanley Robinson, it would be worth to demolish all those vague impressions about ...

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The 3 best books by Ian McDonald

writer Ian McDonald

The science fiction writers most dedicated to the cause always end up approaching the stellar as a recurring scenario that hooks us all due to its unknown nature. Even more so considering a world of ours about which we already know "almost everything." This is the case of Ian McDonald as well as ...

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A world without men, by Sandra Newman

A world without men, by Sandra Newman

From Margaret Atwood with her sinister Handmaid's Tale to Stephen King in his Sleeping Beauties made chrysalis in a world apart. Just two examples to shore up a science fiction genre that turns feminism on its head to approach it from a disturbing perspective. In this …

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The 3 best books by James Graham Ballard

JG Ballard Books

Halfway between Jules Verne and Kim Stanley Robinson, we find this English writer who summarizes the imaginative alternative to our world of the first mentioned genius and the dystopian intention of the second current writer. Because reading Ballard is enjoying a proposal with a flavor of nineteenth-century fantasy, but…

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The Employees, by Olga Ravn

The Employees, Olga Ravn

We traveled very far to undertake a task of absolute introspection made in Olga Ravn. Paradoxes that only science fiction can assume with possibilities of narrative transcendence. Since the estrangement of a spaceship, moved through the cosmos under some icy symphony born of the very big bang, we know some...

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Constance by Matthew Fitzsimmons

Constance Fitzsimmons

Every author who ventures into science fiction, including the menda (see my book Alter), on some occasion considers the issue of cloning because of its double component between the scientific and the moral. Dolly the sheep as the supposed first clone of a mammal is already very …

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Second Youth, by Juan Venegas

second youth novel

Time travel freaks me out as an argument. Because it is a full science fiction starting point that often turns into something else. The impossible longing to transcend time, the nostalgia of what we were and the remorse for wrong decisions. Is …

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The 3 best books by the wonderful Jules Verne

Jules Verne books

1828 - 1905… Halfway between fantasy and science of the moment, Jules Verne emerged as one of the forerunners of the science fiction genre. Beyond his poems and his forays into dramaturgy, his figure made his way and transcended until the day of ...

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