The best romance novels

La romance novel It is a genre in high demand by readers around the world. Not in vain, authors like Danielle Steel o Megan maxwell count as best sellers each of their new installments about loves and heartbreaks, with an erotic or strictly romantic background, with the perspective of the unrealizable or spiced up with the eroticism of power, with a possible point of transgression or from the point of more familiar view, unbridled youthful love or self-sacrificing adult love. 

There are many possible formulas to present a love plot that manages to hook so many potential readers all eager to soak up that good feeling as necessary as it is currently parked in many moments: love.

Here is a carousel with some of the best romance novels of recent years ...

The pink novel has its origin in the historical period of Romanticism, in the last years of the XNUMXth century, and extending practically throughout the XNUMXth century. A humanistic awakening sought in literature (as well as in other artistic representations) an introspection towards the soul. And that is where love is at ease.

From those powders to these muds. Without the restrictions typical of past eras in which Romanticism originated, nowadays love as an argument opens up many possibilities for all kinds of sensibilities.

To some extent, the formula for writing these types of novels today seems easy. Love, in its countless representations, becomes a marked leitmotif that dictates the scenes that take place in the narrative proposal. But as I said, this formula seems easy up to a point, then the talent of the writer comes.

Great writers of romance genre

Only a few writers take the top positions in the predilection of readers. Not only do you have to talk about love but also give it a suspense, an intrigue, a tension (even sexual if you hurry me), a balance between love and lack of love ...

There are quite a few female writers so prolific that they are able to publish several novels a year. And it is that love, when you know how to write about it, is an inexhaustible source where the argument is renewed from the same well of ideas of love. In many cases it is enough to change the names of the characters, their personal history and their dedication so that the love story always sounds new. And it really is. Love is always new in each individual replica.

Empathy is essential for these great authors to be able to write with such profusion. A new character must have a different profile to perceive love, in circumstances similar or identical to a story already told, in a completely new and moving way ...

In the following carousel we find a selection of romantic writers and also writers, because although male narrators are found to a lesser extent by this genre, there are them ...

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2 comments on «The best romantic novels»

  1. I must be one of the rare readers, because the best-selling romance novels are usually the ones I like the least. I find those stories very similar (with exceptions) and the dialogues without spark. I prefer to rummage until I find original and less acclaimed stories, which I usually enjoy more.

    • It is likely that a writer freed from the editorial haste of the bestsellers has a better chance of finding and developing a better story, right, Olga.


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