Sometimes the abysses of the soul, where the light does not reach, find a time and a way to enjoy themselves in their own way. A placid island like Tenerife becomes that point where all the evil is concentrated in the form of vices, perdition and unspeakable afflictions with a certain aspect of satanic temptation as a background sound. Once leaning into those abysses, the jump has no return. Everything else is free fall to present a plot Black most disturbing.
Curiously, the biggest fans of those encounters with the danger of the immoral and the aberrant are those who occupy spaces of power where they enjoy wearing their mask and the most insane of deceptions. Because it's all part of the crazy game.
On the island of Tenerife, a series of clandestine meetings have been taking place for some time, uniting power, human vileness, and the animality of the most fearsome beasts. Few can attend them, but fewer still know who organizes them and why.
Cristian Velasco, one of the most important tennis players of his generation, disappears on the day of his return to tournaments, after a year away from the courts, and his return to Puerto de la Cruz.
The case will come into the hands of Inspector Aguilera. Together with her team, and accompanied by a rookie police officer, she will start an investigation to discover the whereabouts of the famous tennis player, which turns into a murder case when they find the body of a woman who has suffered more than savage torture. . But what they cannot imagine is the drift that the process will take as new threads appear to be pulled.
An intricate matter that gets complicated hour after hour, in which the darkest human instincts are mixed and that will force Guiomar Aguilera to overcome his hobbies and embark on a mystery that will change his unstable existence. Especially when he finds out that… NO ONE TOUCHES THE BITCH.
You can now buy "La Perra", by Alberto Val, here: