The 3 best books by Mónica Carrillo

writer Monica Carrillo

Following in the wake of other media authors in the journalistic field (a space naturally linked to literature as a chronicle of the times lived), Mónica Carrillo already composes a bibliography comparable to other journalists such as Carmen Chaparro, Carlos del Amor, Teresa Viejo or Maxim Huerta. Of course, in his version ...

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The naked life, by Mónica Carrillo

Naked life

The journalist Mónica Carrillo presents her most ambitious work, launching as a hook one of her lapidary phrases, suggestive micro-stories, daily haikus with the limitation of twitter characters: «Because we were all once someone's secret« A phone call changed it everything. When Gala sets out on the journey ...

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Time. Everything. Locura, by Mónica Carrillo


Singular book by the well-known presenter Mónica Carrillo. Halfway between the micro-story, the aphorism and the single verse. A kind of urban poetry that dazzles from the first composition. Because the whole is a charming mixture that composes images and sensations, that raises farewells or approaches, sadness or ...

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