The 3 best books by Juan del Val

Creativity, business and a pinch of transgression (always sticking to the world of books and their plots, although sometimes also extended to the media), came to Juan del Val in a row in his particular marriage with the presenter Nuria Rock. But from that point ...

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Candela, by Juan del Val

Candela by Juan del Val

With his previous novel "It seems a lie" with autobiographical overtones (but completely limited to his life), Juan del Val aroused a stir and also blisters in very different sectors, far beyond the strictly literary. But that is another matter of course about whose extremes it has already been revealed enough in ...

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It seems a lie, by Juan del val


Juan del Val has had the pleasure of reencountering who he was. Another him from not so long ago, from not so many customs and vices, from not so many years ago. Any intention of autobiography becomes part of a fictionalized life. The memory, in its plot ...

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