The 3 best books by the ingenious Jean-Marie Le Clézio

Le Clézio books

The French language has been exerting a special attraction since the nineteenth century in various authors who explored in their musicality a lyrical addition that infects any prose or that ends up extolling all poetic works. Perhaps the issue lies with Dumas or Víctor Hugo, with that ability to ...

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Childhood Song, by Le Clézio

Childhood Song, by Le Clézio

Authors like Le Clézio are unnerving for many other authors who have to opt for the essay, the biography or the novel when they start to write. Because Le Clézio novels his life while doing the almost poetic soliloquy essay and distills those biographical aspects that serve as essence ...

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Bitna under the Seoul Sky, by Le Clézio

Bitna under the Seoul sky

Life is a mystery composed of scraps of memory and ghostly projections of a future whose sole background is the end of everything. Jean-Marie Le Clézio is a portraitist of that life concentrated in his characters determined to unravel everything from a fiction in which any approach is ...

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