Always love me, by Nuria Gago

Always love me, by Nuria Gago
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It's the law of life ... The empty nest and all that. Only at the moment when a daughter closes the door of what has always been her home for the last time, the parents, who remain inside, become a bit of ghosts of a house that is not so much the home it used to be. .

I insist, law of life. If all goes well, then the moment comes when the parents will find their place again and a daughter's visit ends up being a great welcome from someone who already has life elsewhere. Despite the fact that she is still loved enormously, despite the fact that her room continues to host old coats that do not shelter anyone in winter or pajamas that no one dreams of.

Lu is one of those daughters who took flight in search of other destinations. But Lu's future was so high that he ended up crashing in Paris. Nothing went right.

When she returns to Barcelona, ​​her mother welcomes her with open arms. But she, her mother, has looked for alternatives… Because she really feels more comfortable alone; or because he hopes to free Lu from a confinement in a house where he can go back to hiding in the girl that he no longer has to be. Who knows? The motives of a mother, like the ways of God, are unfathomable.

The point is that as soon as he returned to Barcelona, ​​Lu already had a new job through her maternal agency. It is about taking care of Marina, an octogenarian whose only roots in the world are that of her sister María. From Marina's widowhood to Lu's recent forced singleness. Little by little the two women are tuning in to that special magnetism of distant generations that finally meet.

From the small helps in the daily chores, trivial conversations arise that will end up deepening even transcendental motivations. The magic of conversation, the tears of liberation, the joy of freedom.

Everything from a small gesture of help; from a dead time that seemed given over to the final disenchantment, to the absolute defeat of Lu.

You can now buy the novel Quiéreme siempre, the new book by Nuria Gago, here. With a small discount for accesses from this blog, which is always appreciated:

Always love me, by Nuria Gago
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