3 best books by David Grossman

I have always thought that those who are capable of writing good children's literature (nothing to do with «the kitten and his new friend, the teddy bear, went out to the forest to find new friends for their pandi ...), without a doubt they are great writers latent for all types of readers. Only that starting by trying to access the psyche of the little ones is much more enriching as an author.

And yes, this is the case of the author that I bring here today: Don David Grossman, an extraordinary writer whose experiences ended up exceeding the literary by the variant of tragedy (Surely you can read his letter to the lost son, Uri Grossman). But that, nevertheless, continued dedicated to his personal cause of peace in social and literary terms.

Not that he is a self-help writer. The Grossman thing is simple and extraordinary literature. David looks out into the personal abysses that existence poses to every human being, but with that something of melancholic hope with the musical cadence of violins, like a Milan Kundera Israeli version, with the burden of historical stateless fatalism that this entails.

Top 3 Recommended Novels by David Grossman

Grand Cabaret

One of the most shocking novel monologues. The inner soliloquy finally made open word. Among the dark audience of a bar in ancient Caesarea, between Tel Aviv and Haifa, an actor ... or perhaps just the remains of someone determined to tell, to testify about his life. But not everyone who hears it is complete strangers.

Dovale, the actor, has arranged for an old friend to attend his show. Dovale, or what remains of him amidst clothes that hardly seem to host bones, expands at ease. He is a surprising histrion that captivates and magnetizes the audience between the mercy of his appearance and the hurtful truth of the message amidst interpretive excess. But the one who is most surprised is the old guest friend.

He, now a quiet retiree from the judiciary, glimpses that time shared with Dovale, the days when they could be friends. And the cabaret ends up taking, between drinks, a lesson in humanity, an opening to great hurtful but necessary truths for a man and for his way of being part of this world.

Grand Cabaret


Shaul is a jealous husband who is suspicious of his wife and is willing to do anything to discover her in full infidelity. The clues increase the certainty of the suspicion and the reader is soaked in the feeling of spite, he may even assume the sense of defeat of the deceived Shaul.

Together with him we ride in a car towards the final discovery of marital wrongdoing. Only, in his particular convalescent state, Shaul needs to be taken to the place where he plans to find his wife with the lover to whom he will give himself as he never did with him. The journey is done sitting in the back. At the wheel is his sister-in-law.

It is night and the darkness helps to awaken a complicit conversation in which the two souls are undressing in another type of infidelity, the one that involves presenting themselves as truly one, the one that reveals fears and obsessions, the one that finally transforms the surrounding reality to reach the true motives of love, lack of love and the need for coexistence. A unique story about love, more than "love". A unique perspective on what ultimately moves us.


Beyond time

Probably the most lyrical work of the author. One of those novels born from inspiration and drawn based on that imprint beyond the great plot or plot.

Because the history of the loss in the background is much more difficult to compose than the chronology of timeless feelings, which spread over life like a black cloak of hopelessness. At times of a dreamlike sadness and then spreading in a maddening lucidity.

The great motif of this novel, Uri, the author's son, is a sensation of sand that is lost between the hands of a father and a mother, the sand of a clock that will no longer stop spreading in a multitude of grains of melancholy. scattered throughout space and time.

beyond grossman time
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