Who writes is a relative success story in quitting smoking. In my favor I have to say that the 3 or 4 times that I have seriously stopped smoking (more than a year on each occasion) I have always managed it without any other help than a good read that changed my chip. In other words, you consider that I am a good reference when it comes to advising on good recommended books to quit smoking.
Then I have already taken it upon myself to reset the same chip silly in the opposite direction. Because the truth is that after such a long time, smoking again is as stupid as planting tomatoes in Siberia, for example.
I never needed to go back. I never had a bad time in the process or as the months progressed. But it will be a matter of that ease to quit that I return to tobacco when I least think about it. Veteran's relaxation or something.
The point is that a good book to leave fumeteo behind is perfect for a good blow of will. None Self Help better than a reading that takes you away from the smoke forever or at least for a good while, without suffering and even with a sense of liberation.
Top 3 recommended books to quit smoking
Quitting smoking is easy, if you know how
quit smoking book by excellence. And that Allen Carr ended up suffering from lung cancer. Which does not seem to invite optimism regarding his formula against smoking. But it is that the body has memory, as they say. And although Carr gave up his addiction to gain his good years of life, according to him in this book he wasted as many others by investing in several packs a day.
Paradoxes aside, I assure you that you will not find a best book to quit. Because here is the best reset so that smoking seems like a sentence from one day to the next. There are no substitutes or alternatives to pose like a parachute before your jump into the void. It is simply realizing how free you can become.
Because when you think that you smoke to have that relaxation time, you really only release the very nervousness that the monkey wakes up in you. More than a monkey, he is like a prison guard who enjoys giving you a succulent crust of bread with its mold and added toxicities. No, you don't relax or have better times than non-smokers. You are a prisoner and when you execute your escape you enjoy like a dwarf.
You're finally going to quit smoking
Why does it have to be hard to quit? It is true that most things are achieved with effort and tenacity. But having your neck stop hurting after you stop adjusting the ring on it sounds easy, doesn't it?
If on more than one occasion you have considered quitting smoking, here is the definitive method that will help you achieve it. These pages will accompany you on the path to your freedom without the need to rely on patches, pills, electronic cigarettes or willpower.
If you set your mind to it, and even if it seems impossible, you will quit smoking in a simple, comfortable and easy way. With this book, in which you will find a practical visualization exercise, you will look and feel like an ex-smoker.
You will finally understand what you did not understand until now, your addiction to tobacco, and you will discover how to get rid of this habit forever without suffering and without effort. All the secrets to start living without a cigarette.
Quit smoking with neuroscience
If you are not convinced that quitting smoking is easy, you can always resort to the epic. It would not be my bedside book to get it, but there are tastes for everyone...
Quitting smoking through willpower achieves a very low success rate, and a horrible experience for the person. The latest discoveries in neuroscience about the brain have been impressive, and a dramatic advance in understanding how decision-making and habits work.
In this book, the author, assisted by psychologists specializing in addictions, applies the knowledge obtained in decades of research through neuroscience of human behavior so that you can quit smoking for good. The Freemind method to quit smoking, in its formats of online programs and face-to-face workshops, achieves 80% efficiency. In other words, 8 out of 10 people who have completed one of the Freemind programs (available at www.freemind.es) quit smoking forever. The method has been broadcast on the prestigious TVE health program, «Saber Vivir»).
Understanding the mechanisms and characteristics of how the brain works allows us to carry out a method to break the habit in a natural way, using the way our minds process information and make decisions. Through techniques and tools that the brain implements in a simple way, and thanks to the knowledge provided by neuroscience, the brain reorganizes itself to end smoking, using neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, learning by prediction error and other mechanisms present in the brain. behavior and functioning of our mind.
In this written publication of the Freemind program, Mikel Alonso, Dr. UCM specialist in behavioral neuroscience, presents the main components, ideas and concepts to quit smoking through neuroscience.