Chuck Palahniuk's Top 3 Books

Books by Chuck Palahniuk

There is always a special harmony with more or less contemporary writers. Chuck Palahniuk is like a colleague with whom I could go for a few beers to talk about the good years of youth, even if I have a good decade, it must be said. When one has grown to ...

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Chuck Palahniuk's Adjustment Day

Adjustment day

In recent American literature, many authors have visited the American dream as an argument to also offer its shadows and deformities. The result is that more complete notion of any society through reality in raw, dirty or raw ... And Chuck Palahniuk ...

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Make Up Something, by Chuck Palahniuk


In 1996 Chuck Palahniuk wrote that great cult book "Fight Club." And shortly afterwards the cult became a mass phenomenon with the film in which Brad Pitt and Edward Norton split their faces in the most unexpected places, the result of a bipolarity that ...

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Fight Club 2 by Chuck Palahniuk


Undertaking the assault on the second part of a round work should not always be an easy task for an author. Halfway between the commercial temptation and the creative incentive, the decision must be weighed based on finally true arguments about the need to tell something more ... But of course, ...

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