An Education, by Tara Westover


It all depends on the concerns of each one. The wealth of knowledge and education blesses everyone who discovers that need to know where they are and what surrounds them beyond their closest habitat, even if they always start from subjective bias ...

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In the streets of Madrid, of Loquillo


The books between the literary and the biographical around musical stars proliferate lately with the intention of extolling the myth at the same time that a complete scenario is composed about the musical career, the motivations and the times lived. From Sabina, with her book «Even the truth» to ...

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Devotion, by Patti Smith


If there were awards to the iconic characters of the musical world, two of the most prestigious accolades of the XNUMXth century would go to David Bowie on the male side and Patti Smith on the female side. Being an icon or symbol in the musical goes far beyond the musical notes, of ...

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Time of storms, by Boris Izaguirre


The thing about Boris Izaguirre getting naked in front of the public is not something so new. Who else who least remembers him freeing himself from his pants with that point of transgression that this author has always flaunted. But undressing as a metaphor has never been as complete as until ...

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The gift of fever, by Mario Cuenca Sandoval


Nothing like literature to discover those special beings that undoubtedly inhabit among us. Thinking of Olivier Messiaen as a literary character can come close to the assumption of imagining Grenouille, from the novel Perfume, revealing the mystery of his olfactory gift, that sensory capacity far above ...

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The force of a destiny, by Martí Gironell


Ramón LLull Award 2018. The true American dream was the one that between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries led a multitude of European citizens from any country: Irish, Italians, Germans, Spanish, Portuguese, English to the new and prosperous North American land. Among all of them, this book presents the case of Ceferino ...

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The dreams of my father, Barack Obama


As you could imagine, Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States, had a lot to tell. Normally retired politicians, former presidents, the great men of high places end up writing the book of their future in those spaces of power. A kind of justification for their ...

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Wild: The Imperious Story of Jesús Gil y Gil


Two indelible memories assail me when I think of the character of Jesús Gil. The first is the famous Jacuzzi surrounded by mamachichos, the second the signing of two African players for Atletico, they accused him of doing it to launder money. When the boys started to touch the ball in ...

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Carmen, by Nieves Herrero


Writing about the daughter of the dictator Franco is an act of courage. Nieves Herrero began to do so with the desire to involve the interested party. And finally it was like that, Carmen participated and ended up informing the journalist about facts and anecdotes unknown until now. Before …

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Perfect flaws, by Chenoa


The temperamental Chenoa has given the pink and yellow press, telecinco and a host of other media highlights. The tracksuit moment or the famous cobra are two of those moments repeated ad nauseam in magazines and TV shows. Of course, that media fixation on ...

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Today I woke up somersaulting, by David Summers

With this title began one of the most energetic and evocative themes of the mythical Men G. Today it serves as the title of a more relaxed book, but with the same decision of its author David Summers, to go out full of optimism and energy to face everything ...

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