Miss Merkel. The case of the retired chancellor

You never know with this revolving doors for those who leave active politics. In Spain it often happens that former presidents, former ministers and other group of retired leaders end up occupying the most unexpected offices in large companies.

But Germany is really different. There, people are different and if not, let them tell Merkel, stoically enduring any formal act with the San Vito dance coming out of them. An iron president but at the same time with that burden of humanity that has made her an emblem of world leadership.

So your compatriot David safier has been advancing the task to Angela and has already placed her as an unsuspected detective with that endearing point a la Miss Marple but with a bomb-proof sagacity ...


He led Germany with a firm hand. Now your pulse will not tremble to find the culprit in a murder case.

Angela Merkel retired six weeks ago and has just moved with her husband, the bodyguard and their puppy Putin to an unpopulated but charming region in the interior of Germany. Accustomed to a turbulent life that led her to face tough world leaders, extreme situations and some XNUMX state banquets, she now finds it difficult to focus on the quiet of the countryside. Just making cakes and hiking is on the way to becoming a total boredom.

When a noble in the area turns up dead, a spark ignites in Angela: she finally runs into a situation that needs to be resolved and that will require all her intelligence. The baron has been found in his castle, the room was locked from the inside ... and there are six suspects.

You can now buy the novel «Miss Merkel. The Case of the Retired Chancellor ”, by David Safier, here:

Miss Merkel. The case of the retired chancellor
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