Clare Mackintosh's 3 Best Books

From police officer for over 12 years to editor of Britain's best-known Sunday newspaper, the Sunday Times. And now, without a doubt one of the British breakthrough writers which is starting to climb on the bestseller lists across Europe.

The truth is that Clare mackintosh She started strong in this literature, because very recently, in 2016, she already won the Theakston's Old Peculier Crime Novel award ahead of the already established author Jk rowling. With that first great novel, "I Let You Go" also made its way through other competitions in countries like France that received it with open arms. The brilliant appearance of this writer is so remarkable that her editions practically take place simultaneously between the England of her origin and many other European countries.

Since 2016, Clare Mackintosh has published several crime novels interesting in which his experience of more than a decade in the police provides him with a multitude of arguments.

Clare Mackintosh's Top 3 Recommended Novels

no choice

Although it contradicts the idea that emerges from the title of this novel, fear always involves a choice. You can give in and block yourself or you can try to catch your breath to face whatever it is. Of course, in this story we add another variable..., and that is that at certain moments, in specific situations, escape is not possible.

And as often happens with a fear finally overcome after facing it with no escape route, the initial claustrophobia and panic can break towards that other opposite side that rubs against each other and can turn us into heroes, into men and women leaning on our fears to awaken that Sixth sense that is talked about so much...

Excitement reigns on the first non-stop flight from London to Sydney. Rumor has it that some famous people travel in first class, so everyone is aware of the most important event in the history of aviation.

Mina, one of the stewardesses, tries to concentrate on work to forget her personal problems. Suddenly one of the passengers suffers a heart attack and dies. In the bag of the deceased Mina, he finds a photograph of her five-year-old daughter, Sophie, and it seems to have been taken that same morning at the school gate. Meanwhile, at her house, her husband Adam believes that his police superiors are about to discover her secret.

No Choice, Clare Mackintosh

I'm watching you

When a shocking enigma becomes the beginning of what is advertised as a crime novel, a reader like me, passionate about this type of genre and also in love with the mystery genre, knows that he has found that gem with which he is going to enjoy During the lecture.

It is a dark enigma, absolutely strange and puzzling. Zoe discovers herself in a small photo in a newspaper classifieds while riding the subway. A chill shared between Zoe and the reader begins to spread with the uncomfortable feeling of a bad omen.

In this world in which we are exposed to the networks, immersed in an Internet that seems to blend in with the reality that surrounds us, in the Matrix style, a thousand doubts begin to take shape in your imagination.

At book I'm watching you you feel eyes on you, a kind of virtual presence that makes you go from paranoia to the most real terror. Zoe knows that she has become someone's target and no one seems to understand her.

Every day new faces appear in that newspaper, in the same location in which she first appeared. Zoe may succumb to fear or try to find answers to that peculiar riddle.

But in his position, any movement seems to be anticipated by his observer, who is already taking the appearance of being someone or something completely real. Clare plays with the old taste for fear (not as something terrifying but as something disconcerting, unusual, strange), that unspeakable inner passion to look into the abyss that accompanies us all.

From our passion to see fear, we only make it clear that we like to get closer to return as soon as possible to the safest shelter. But Zoe doesn't know how long she will have time to go home and shelter. Once thrown into solving that enigma, which plays on your identity in a haphazard or completely premeditated way, there may be no point of turning back.

I'm watching you

If i lie to you

The death of the parents is something that must be assumed as an event that must befall us. But poor Anna had to face a chain of suicides that first took her father and then her mother.

The truth is that for Anna the disappearance of her mother was a major blow because she was completely alone in the world, in addition to her greater attachment to the mother figure. Only the blossoming of her daughter's new life appeases her disenchantment with life.

And it is she, her daughter, her only link with a world that has placed her in the face of a panorama in which her identity is cracked at the worst moments.

Perhaps that is why he decided to investigate a little more in the motives of his parents, in what pushed them to make those irreversible decisions. Only Caroline Johnson, her mother, kept a secret that she should never know to maintain her integrity. And moving on could end up leading to a fatal trigger ...

If i lie to you

Other recommended books by Clare Mackintosh

I Let you go

Nothing better than breaking into the publishing market and the black genre than presenting one of those novels with an impossible turn that ends up awakening the chill of the reader.

Jenna Gray decides to withdraw from her past, establish that physical distance that ends up offering a sense of security, beyond the nightmares, guilt and feelings that nothing should have happened as it happened. The coast of Wales cradles Jenna Gray's sleepless nights, waiting for time to heal wounds that seem to be fading very slowly.

But the truth is that that November night suspended in memory seems determined to oppose oblivion, the most unexpected details evoke the sensation of a debt that must be completely closed for Jenna to really find some peace.

And so, amid the uncertain waiting, Jenna will finally understand that she can never escape a perverse fate whose timeline insists on completing her work.

I Let you go
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