The best books of Guillem Morales

Curiously, it is not always easy to write a script for a novel, despite the fact that in the opposite direction, a film work can always find a perfect fit on paper. It will be a matter of thresholds, calibers..., in the sense that the imagination awakened from literature has much more capacity to extend itself in introspective nuances of the character, in descriptions when it is known how to describe with the most precise brushstrokes, in well-defined dialogues... The Paper has its advantages, no doubt.

Guillem Morales has made that journey between cinema and books that happens more often in reverse (except for glorious exceptions such as Woody Allen). This Catalan film director has jumped from his already juicy filmography to narrative with the hectic pace that his films demand. You change the seat of the cinema for your reading corner and leave the popcorn so as not to stain the pages and the result may even be better for you...

Of course, beyond the comings and goings between disparate creativities, the fondness for genres is something else and one always tends to tell stories of the world that most appeals to him. We do not abandon the suspense with shades of terror, the concern for the fate of the characters. Relentless tension and the suspicion of that twist that can transform everything for better or worse.

Top 3 recommended books by Guillem Morales

the hour of the wolf

The generational harmony brings some authors or others closer, if possible. This story has a lot of that proximity to a generation X in the midst of mediocrity. And of course one also drank from sources similar to those of this author in terms of horror fiction still dominated by emblematic characters. Guys today only recovered as second-rate actors for teen movies. I mean the werewolf or any poor vampire in low hours who bites little girls in the insti…

Miles is nine years old and has an overflowing imagination that leads him to suffer continuous nightmares plagued by monsters. His grandmother's gloomy house, in which he lives with his family, and his older brother's fondness for horror movies do not help him to overcome those childhood fears.

When one day he discovers the existence of an old movie called The Hour of the Wolf (a cursed work whose commercial exhibition was banned), the figure of the werewolf invades his bad dreams until it becomes an obsession. Meanwhile, a series of disturbing events suggest that outside, in the forest, there is the threat of a true lycanthrope that is stalking him and his family.

Combining elements of horror and psychological thriller, Guillem Morales has written an original story that has its emotional roots in the monsters of childhood and the incomprehension that the transition to adolescence brings. A novel with an unusual protagonist and large doses of tension that dares to go beyond the typical werewolf story.

Lauren Marsh's accident

What threat hangs over the inhabitants of the Century Europa urbanization?

Lauren Marsh goes for a run, like every morning, and falls into a poorly marked sinkhole in the renovation works of the Century Europa housing development where she lives. Fortunately, the woman is not fatally injured, but Cédric, the insurance inspector in charge of the investigation, discovers signs that the accident was not fortuitous. From that moment on, they will be involved in a mystery plot where nothing is what it seems: bloody events, neighbors who keep secrets and a hidden truth from which it is impossible to escape unscathed. The accidents at Century Europa have only just begun...

LaurenMarsh's Accident, the first novel by film director and screenwriter Guillem Morales, is a reflection on loneliness, guilt and isolation in a big city, in the form of an original and devastating thriller with an absorbing pace, twisted plot and a surprising ending for even the most seasoned readers.

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