The 3 best books by Agustín Fernández Mallo

Literature embraces everyone who has something to tell, regardless of where it comes from. The same can a poet as a physicist reach sublime pages of glory in art (half imprint half cultivation) of living to want to tell it.

Agustin Fernandez Mallo he fulfills that polyform quality of the man of science and letters in the same flesh. A guy who finds in the literary a cascading slope to break out, rather than channel, visions in verse or prose but always stubborn in a generational pattern of dislocation, contrast and estrangement.

That the nocilla generation sheltered different narrators, chroniclers of nothingness, of satiety, of the supposed generation blessed after a thousand hardships is notorious. And yet it is about an empty generation in a transition towards the technological, the last of the analog that in the case of another illustrious generational inhabitant such as Gabi martinez, show that there was only the fascination for the anecdotal or the restlessness and the traveling spirit, to act as narrative chroniclers with some fit in the more committed literature.

And that is where one has to be a teacher to continue rescuing that humanity of the intrahistoric in a time with little brightness and a supposed placidity always extended like a patina easily scratched towards rust and wear.

Top 3 best novels by Agustín Fernández Mallo

War trilogy

Nothing as alienating as war. An idea of ​​alienation that is perfectly captured in the dreamlike cover of this book, which in turn provides a sinister perspective. Serve as a perfect advance because that character between protected and hidden, bearer of flowers that could well lead to a cemetery or be a transfiguration of a destructive weapon in his hands ...

The Spanish Civil War and its instinct for self-destruction. Vietnam and the awakening of consciences. Normandy and the final victory on a coast soaked in blood. Armed conflicts and man turned into his worst monster. The recent XNUMXth century plagued with bloody confrontations and its shadow looming over a XNUMXst century that tells us about more possible conflicts and those that already exist, buried between dark spaces of the general consciousness.

With his virtuous poetic prose, full of images between brilliant and delirious, Agustín Fernández Mallo confronts us with a warlike mosaic, exposed before our eyes with disturbing intention, like a work that ends up discovering us perplexed, faced with what we are not in a time and such a distant space.

Intertwined with the warlike events of reference and with the projection to our days, a tragic feeling takes hold or rather is transmitted powerfully.

As a physicist, the author seems to have given us to understand that our only solution would be to leave this world until we find new places to relearn it with new premises. Well, the truth is that our imagination and our history are bathed in blood. If the only thing we are capable of is to pose eternal conflicts, Vietnam or Normandy could serve as an example, or smaller spaces such as the island of San Simón, where those who were being defeated were concentrated in waiting for the only possible redemption at will. the reason for the winners.

A literary composition of elegant sophistication in the form at the same time of brilliant clairvoyance about past and future, against the background of those warlike confrontations brought to this joint volume to decipher keys of our days ...

War Trilogy, by Agustín Fernández Mallo


Bunbury already sang it in some song, "Time is a flat circle. We will repeat everything done. And you and I will meet again every time. Unfortunately, this endlessness occurs more from the fateful. Our great sorrows and fears always return and the scenes are repeated over and over again...

A woman recounts the kidnapping to which she was subjected in Mexico City with astonishing coldness and attending to unpublished details. A couple drives across the United States in search of the chimerical and remote Sound of the End. Two musicians lock themselves in a castle from northern France to compose and record his definitive work. A Spanish writer recounts the beginnings of his relationship with the enigmatic woman he meets in a Mexican bookstore.

Agustín Fernández Mallo creates in this novel a slightly unfocused, poetic and disturbing atmosphere that, as if it were a network, connects the characters as the narrative progresses. It is not mystery in the classical sense, it is not suspense or terror, but something more disturbing: it is reality itself that is shown to us as an animated object; it is the characters who go after her without fully understanding her.

En Limbo time is revealed as an elastic dimension and the borders between life and death are blurred until they disappear. Each one is himself and many others, inhabiting different places, defending various lives and without intuiting that, ultimately, everything that ever happened is doomed to repeat itself.

Limbo, by Agustín Fernández Mallo

Nocilla Project

Claiming yourself as a generation is necessary when nothing transcendent happens around you. Unfortunately the future of the world is marked by sinister notes of wars, catastrophes and others. And who more who less, among the greatest writers, has realized a time that he had to live with the necessary wealth of a vision far from official prisms.

The nocilla generation had little to tell, except the passing of life itself, which, if you think about it, is much more than enough. Because in the end this generation, in view of the present and the future that comes to us, could be one of the few that contemplated life like someone who calmly sees a painting in the museum ...

The narrative project that revolutionized the Spanish narrative landscape: the three novels that make up the Nocilla Project, for the first time in a single volume.

«Since in 2006 it appeared in the literary space of this language Nutella dream, the first version of Project Nocilla, followed by its reversal, Nocilla experience (2008) and for its final investment, Nocilla lab (2009), the Spanish narrative constellation is no longer the same. Not because this Project of a writing under construction refutes other options but because its radicalism, independence and novelty open up a strange space for a little glimpse; Instead of an exploration of roots, memory or the past, Agustín Fernández Mallo proposed a project more futuristic than Spanish: the construction of an overflowing current space, where writing is not due to the melancholy of nationality but to the projection of a language to become. (…)

How to define the gratuitous amazement of the first reading of Nocilla dream? Each reader has done it with enthusiasm for his own reading, of course, and by comparative way has endowed it with a lineage as illustrious as it is current. The sum of the Project allows us to see it today (and the term is inexhaustible) as a first repeated reading: it is always another object, with another access route. »

Nocilla project
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