The 5 best Science Fiction movies

I know that it is very daring to choose between best science fiction movies in such an extensive genre and that offers us so many great works. But everyone has their own tastes and when it comes to speculating and proposing hypotheses, dystopias, uchronias or fantasies with various scientific foundations, one always enjoys when a final transcendent approach is offered. Yes, my thing is science fiction reading satisfaction when a metaphysical scope is proposed to us. Because in everything fantastic there can be as much of mere entertainment as of philosophy.

For me the best science fiction is the one that takes us from reality to new worlds or planes. Nothing better than imagining those thresholds from which to reach unsuspected scenarios, but always with our sights set on our reality. This is how we can escape the usual focus to look at the allegorical, at the metaphors and comparisons that can help us see the world in new ways.

Of course, the fantastic component sometimes alienates depending on who. But whoever is able to imagine and make the journey from planet Earth to the most distant planet or to the nearest dimension will have a great time and will be able to consider new syntheses capable of awakening enriching concerns.

Of course, you'll forgive me for the classics, but I'm not going to select "Blade Runner" or "2001." A space odyssey. Because of course, they are great movies that, however, have lost a lot of hook in terms of the level of special effects. Because yes, I look for films that point to the transcendent, but also entertainment and more visual fascination...

Top 5 Recommended Sci-Fi Movies



I already cited this movie as one of the best of Christopher Nolan. The thing is that I have always doubted the relevance of this film compared to "2001." A Space Odyssey by Kubrick as the best films about outer space. But of course, times move forward and technology offers greater quality. So, currently, I highlight this movie for its great visual impact, in addition to all the metaphysical burden it carries.

Magical scenes like those of Miller's planet with its time extended in proportion to the Earth and its aquatic nature. The passage through the black hole, that singular Gargantua that devours everything and that once crossed places the good Matthew McConaughey (Joseph Cooper) in a four-dimensional cube from which he floats to warn that time has been locked there in veiled scenes, like a stellar repository where you can access everything from the past. This is how Matthew manages to transmit the keys to saving humanity that is approaching the end of its habitation on Earth.

The gaps regarding the impossible return of Joseph Cooper, once his ship was destroyed, are resolved with an intervention attributable to the creator of the Universe. Because the turbulent ejection that allows Joseph to appear on the Space Station, something like Noah's Ark, from which new colonizations of habitable planets can now be proposed on one side or the other of Gargantua.



Christopher Nolan again around here. With evocations of the Matrix (sorry for not selecting it Keanu Reeves), this film achieves that twist of the loop when it comes to parallel worlds. Loaded with mind-blowing effects, the plot also takes us into possible worlds from the subconscious as environments of full relevance in the configuration of our world.

Multinationals that are entering the new market of dreams with its endless possibilities. Life as a software that dreams structure out of necessity. The best programmers as architects capable of a dreamlike transformation far beyond the vaunted digital transformation.

Scenarios that fold in on themselves (the image of the city recreated as a cube is one of the great milestones of recent FX imagery and the government of the wills of individuals in the tough fight for the great business secrets of the new business.

Hackers capable of everything. Cobol Engineering versus Proclus Global. Infiltrated agents capable of procuring pain beyond dreams. All in the hands of an architect, Ariadne, capable of the greatest trompe l'oeil to finally defeat the empire of Saito, Proclus's evil evildoer.

Sedation as the beginning of the journey to subconscious level 1, with disturbing risks of descending the level until reaching the point of no return from dreams. But like the most powerful psychoactive drugs, trips also hide a latent confusion, echoes that are locked on both sides of reality. An exciting story where anything can happen.

Minority Report


The precogs, victims of genetic experimentation, live almost completely immersed in an essential serum that places them on a plane of general consciousness, as if touched, or rather sprinkled, in this case, by the gift of the prophetic.

Charging with their peculiar Cassandra syndrome, the three brothers offer from their pool visions of upcoming events in their most sinister aspect. What is the same, they are able to predict a crime before it occurs.

And of course, honey on flakes for a police of the future that, through a pre-crime unit, is capable of arresting criminals. If the matter contains a dose of treachery, then it is easier for the detectives of the unit, led by an always efficient Tom Cruise (let's call him John Anderton). If it is a crime of passion, everything precipitates more imminently because since there is no plan, there is no prior time to think about taking someone away.

Until the little brothers point to Anderton himself as a criminal in the making and the subsequent investigation is launched to stop him at all costs. But the matter has its crumb, of course. The visions of the precogs have their echoes, a kind of deviation from events to unfold. John Anderton finds his last hope in them because he has no motive to kill. Or so he thinks ...

The island


The thing about genetic engineering itself and clones as a derivative has always fascinated me from that profane point of view of a former literature student. In fact, at the time I was encouraged by a novel about clones that I called "Alter." In case you are interested, you have it here.

To reduce the technicality of the matter, this novel addresses the most interesting aspects, the moral aspect of the recreation of human beings. Even more so because what is done on the supposed paradise island is to recreate human beings in the image and likeness of their interested patrons, as insurance for when a kidney fails or leukemia enters them. In his defense, yes, it must be said that they do not know that he has his clones. They just believe that their genetic information recreates organs as needed in a shapeless mass.

The movie is perfectly followed even by laymen in CiFi. And at times it seems more like an adventure play where the protagonists played by Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johanson reach the level of consciousness necessary to discover the fallacy and try to flee.

Because of course, the island is not such and the promises to all its inhabitants of a better destination by lottery (they disappear from there as soon as the promoter needs an organ) is in evidence thanks to the fact that McGregor is an evolved type capable of the most doubts. momentous.

In this movie there is a great little dialogue that I will always remember. And it is that when Ewan asks an external worker about God, since he is already aware of his own real nature, the guy says something like this:

_ Do you know when you want something with all your might? _ Yes -answers Ewan- _ Well, God is the one who does not pay attention to you.

The movie has a lot of action, touches of humor when the strange inhabitants of the island (which ends up being an underground construction in a lost desert) interact with people from the real world. A good science fiction film recommended for all audiences.

The hole


Sometimes you don't need as much in terms of special effects resources if you have plenty of ingenuity. This Spanish film is a great science fiction plot with a diversity of readings. The current society stratified in a pyramid enclosed in supposed welfare states. Plus the notion of resource overexploitation. The metaphor of levels as first and second, third… worlds. Hope in the form of the girl who can finally escape from the depths of the hole.

A disturbing sinister point moves us through each awakening of the protagonist, a masterful Goreng incarnated by Ivan Massagué who finds his particular cicerone in Trimagasi who will teach him the true functioning of that world staggered by levels.

The food that descends on its platform, gargantuan at level one, devastated and wasted when it reaches the last levels. Violence unleashed when sustenance is lacking. Darkness that closes as you descend in level. Contempt of those who occupy higher levels and the desperate feeling that everything can get worse with each new awakening ...

All this duly accepted and signed when one becomes part of the inhabitants of the hole. Because, in that kind of "social contract" one only knows that he will have a place to live and he will seek to ascend at all costs without thinking more than about today as an enclosed beast ...

5/5 - (15 votes)

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