The best current crime novel series

Telling a story in installments builds reader loyalty. At the same time, it allows the author to delve deeper into settings and characters. A perfect symbiosis for the most popular literature to flourish in a perfect breeding ground.

And the crime genre could not be less. Because since Sherlock Holmes, or since the Pepe Carvalho According to Vázquez Montalbán, to cite some great figures, the issue of police investigations in installments was more of a habit than a trend. And that is how it remains to this day.

A custom reinforced, even more so, by the new trends in leisure and entertainment consumption on the main platforms. Screenwriters are going crazy trying to create new installments in any type of proposal. And noir can always develop into more and more plots with more cases to solve or more criminals to arrest.

I'm going to draw heavily on current references and on Spanish products, which is why I play at home. And looking even closer, I would encourage you to check out my series "The Google Maps Killer." A trilogy for you to enjoy with a very special killer and Diana Silvera, the policewoman who is after him throughout the series.

The interaction of both characters gave rise to a lot.

Of course, now that we are in the middle of selecting the best detective novel series, I am going to separate works by their subgenre. Because the taste for detective stories, for that deduction that confronts us with the criminal from his evil work, is not the same as the attraction for the most intense black, where the recreation of murder, death, kidnapping and even torture are basic materials of the plots.

Best current crime novel series

Marcus Goldman Series, by Joel Dicker

The best series of detective novels of recent years. Each novel can be read independently. But the experience is more satisfying if you start from the beginning. Because Dicker sews his scenarios with a fine thread that weaves together present, past and future.

The wonderful twists and turns of this series also make up those temporal traces between predestiny and misfortune. The world is determined to conspire to confront us with drama, with crime as an unexpected emotional outlet.

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair Series

Red Queen Universe, by Juan Gómez Jurado

Juan Gómez Jurado is one of the most reliable reincarnations of Conan Doyle. Because Jurado also draws on an imaginary world that at times escapes this world. It is not fantasy, but it is that idea of ​​a sixth sense capable of reaching nuances of reality that escape us all, even the most experienced investigators.

Red Queen Universe

Baztán Trilogy, by Dolores Redondo

Dolores Redondo She made Baztán a place of pilgrimage for thousands of fans of the police genre. Her character, Amaia Salazar, has everything to become a legend of the genre. An impeccable police performance. But also that hint of esoteric inspiration, from the old legends that connect with the atavistic, with the essential violence of the human being. Something capable of moving any soul towards the most ominous plan.

Baztán trilogy

Best crime novel series

The Fourth Monkey Trilogy by JD Barker

Monsters are born from the domestic. Morality is convinced of amorality as a tool. The feeling that Machiavelli moves the characters, governed by the most gore animosity as summary and necessary justice. Don't lose sight of it if you like blood in torrents.

The Fourth Monkey Pack

Saga The day that sanity was lost, by Javier Castillo

Extreme violence but with juicy twists. Surely a plot so carefully crafted that it will be difficult to see new installments.

Sanity Bilogy

The Gypsy Bride Tetralogy, by Carmen Mola

An overwhelming coordination of the three authors under the pseudonym. Because each new plot adds to the intrigue surrounding criminal minds capable of anything. Almost more of a thriller than a noir saga.

The best of Carmen Mola
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