The 3 best books by the surrealist Fernando Arrabal

That millennialism is going to arrive is an incontestable fact since the good of Fernando Arrabal He made it crystal clear in one of the most interesting television gatherings since television has existed. Neither the visions of Nostradamus nor the Mayan predictions, Arrabal forever.

Habitual parishioner of the absurd as a high form of thought and wandering without a doubt. Loyal lover of surrealism, too. But an author gifted for a dramaturgy born of a disenchantment valleinclanesco and derived towards that final deformity that was of estrangement as a form of expression. Without forgetting his capacity as a poet and prose writer.

And the fact is that baseless wandering is not the same as arriving at the irrational from a philosophical process. The conclusion may be the same, the difference is in the baggage, in the unlearned along the way.

Top 3 recommended books by Fernando Arrabal

The tower struck by lightning

There was a time when chess was the best metaphor for the general state of a world mired in the Cold War, with the threat of nuclear weapons barely contained. Russians against Americans, the intelligence services or intelligence at the service of a game that was never quite. Fischer against Spasski, West against East.

It is not surprising that in this excessive focus of something so symbolic new metaphorical stories like this can appear. Every chess player plays more than just the game. And even if it is only a board we cannot forget that its probabilities shoot towards infinity, like that foolish King Sheram and the grains of wheat of Sissa ...

Elías Tarsis and Marc Amary are two geniuses facing each other. Before them the board on which the chess world championship will be decided. Behind him are two complex personal stories, marked by love, phobias, political intrigue and chance.

The red virgin

The most curious anecdotes do not end up being transcendental due to strange coincidences. What is narrated in this book is so exceptional that its anecdotal nature for ordinary mortals can elevate what happened to the category of a great myth.

Based on an event in prewar Spain, The Red Virgin is a real event passed through the sieve of the best literature, which it subjugates through the use of profound language, and which drags us into the darkness of an impressive and terrifying story. that moved the society of his time. We will learn about the story of Aurora Rodríguez Carballeira, a doctrinaire feminist and passionate about metaphysics, who decides to become pregnant with a parent chosen for this purpose.

Its objective? Conceiving a daughter whom he will initiate in alchemy from an early age and whom he will prepare to fulfill a relevant role in the history of thought and the feminist movement. Hildegart's talent proves to be exceptional, as she became the youngest lawyer in Spain capable of maintaining close contact with writers and politicians of the time and whose publications were admired by HG Wells, Ortega y Gasset and Gregorio Marañón.

He was a member of the PSOE and stood out for his work in the World League for Sexual Reform… but Aurora's great project is threatened when Hildegart grows up and decides to leave her mother's nest to continue her studies. The mother, upset, will make a brutal determination.

A large part of these pages take place around the furnace where mother and daughter melt alchemical metals to achieve the intellectual excellence of the creature following feminist postulates that become anti-feminist and turns them both into victims. The Red Virgin, which sees the light three decades after its initial edition, is a masterpiece. Perhaps the best novel of that great genius of our letters called Fernando Arrabal.

Pic Nic, the tricycle, the maze

A selection of Arrabal cannot be made without presenting some of his volumes from that theater in which all the stages visited were turned into surrealism, with its delirious or hurtful conclusions, loaded with acid humor but always revealing in that journey that ends in the fall from the highest precipice of absurdity.

"Pic-Nic", "El triciclo" and "El laberinto" are three representative works of the first theater by Fernando Arrabal, the most represented Spanish playwright in the world today. These three works appear for the first time in Spain in critical editions patiently carried out by Ángel Berenguer, who has put before them a broad and revealing study of the roots and aesthetics that inform this avant-garde theater.

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