The 3 best books by María José Moreno

If the psyche is what we call the soul and that is made up of consciousness, will and what may be left of us behind the physical, without a doubt the audacity of psychiatry is the closest thing to studying the deepest enigmas of humanity.

And of course, that shines when a psychiatrist like Maria Jose Moreno he begins to write a novel with that taste for the mysterious, the criminal or the suspense materialized from the inside out, from the soul to the ultimate action of the character in question.

Plots that are born from the well of its protagonists to reality, emerging like an iceberg from which the reader already knows that there is more as soon as he sees it, much more.

Abandoning psychiatric analogies at last and turning to metaphors, no doubt the novels by María José Moreno they are devoured in a few sittings thanks to the happy encounter between enigmas and action, between the notion of crime and the criminal and the investigation to stop this evil.

Single novels that disturb or fascinate or his already famous Evil trilogy. Any book is a good place to start with this author.

Top 3 recommended novels by María José Moreno

That time in berlin

Trauma is so because of its irreversible nature, because of its indissoluble composition with guilt, because of its perpetual aroma of the deepest existential defeat. It can shake at any time and you never know how best to cope with it. For Richard Leinz, the fact of discovering that his whole life is falling apart because of something that should not have happened many years ago does not relieve him of gloomy sensations, quite the opposite.

Almost half a life ago he made the most ill-advised decision at the least opportune dilemma. Investigator Parker brings you up to speed God knows with what interest. But immediately he gets Richard to launch himself into that impossible recomposition to which he is driven frantically by guilt. In Richard's journey to the places of the past that never return, in the quest of his will to undo the knots forever, we discover other essential characters of that life that seems to be suddenly shattered. Marie, the old love, Thomas as Richard's faithful collaborator.

Everything that they both do only delves into those enigmatic and labyrinthine transits of the human being through their existence when shadows, fears and their demons strive to reach the present to occupy everything. The historical period perfectly matches that dark framework of an intrahistory that ends up converging in the fatal synergy of the hardest years.

That time in berlin

Thanatos's caress

Trilogies require consideration far beyond the desire to tell a good story. There is more of documentation, of profuse work, of balance between the parts, of doors that open and close between the plots.

A trilogy or any more extensive work is a work of literary engineering that, in the case of this beginning of the Trilogy of Evil, uncovers all that exhaustive knowledge of the author about the possibilities of the human mind locked around the dark, the obsessive from simple bad tendencies such as envy or rising from old shadows of abuse and suffering. Mercedes Lozano knows a lot about all this as a psychotherapist. But of course, in his world he must mark that necessary emotional border to be able to act with professionalism and only under his professionalism. It's like trying to be neat and aseptic about something. Until the stain pops up and as you try to reduce it it spreads and gets bigger.

For Mercedes Lozano it all starts with the uncomfortable feeling of someone trying to harass her or at least scare her. But perhaps that discomfort will affect her until she is left with her guards down. Evil is that stain that can splash on anyone. Consciousness can always harbor and bring to the present a blotted trauma from childhood. This is how Mercedes Lozano will end up empathizing too much with her patients, until she feels those same fears and lets the growing flowers of evil grow that take root from the soul to the chest.

Thanatos's caress

Under the linden trees

The most painted keeps at least one secret, his secret. What less than that to show off that humanity capable of yielding to temptation or also capable of succumbing to evil. But of course, thinking of parents as possible keepers of ominous or at least disturbing secrets can make us much more strange and uncomfortable.

Elena is that mother who one bad day takes a plane from Madrid no less than to New York. His family could never imagine what he expected to find there. And despite everything, the worst thing is that she will not return to tell it because she never left that fateful plane trip alive. Maria, your daughter is unable to renounce that longing to know so human. Why was his mother traveling to New York? The exasperating feeling that nothing could claim her so far on a journey that had ended up ending it all becomes an inescapable mission.

And yes, of course we discovered the reasons for the trip, we will be duly informed of the basis for that untimely escape to the other side of the world. The question is whether we will be able to overcome the discoveries that Maria will have to face. Because the secrets of a mother can be completely transformative for a life.

Under the linden trees
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