Top 3 Brian Weiss Books

Psychiatry also has its literature, like everything. A more striking literature like that of Freud, another more informative as it could be Oliver sacks. To cite some examples. And other more transcendental psychiatric literature would lead us to the case of Brian Weiss.

From the neurological to the spiritual. The Weiss case and his world best-selling books go beyond restricted realms of science and reconvert psychiatry into multidimensional knowledge in the broadest sense. Because if we talk about the soul, regression, reincarnation ..., we quickly understand that Weiss, as a psychiatrist, does not adhere to the principle that we are mere chemistry.

And if we are, for Weiss that chemistry would be like the energy that is never lost, that always transforms. Our consciousness travels for Weiss like ions in an unfathomable current. And what we were reaches what we are in remote or current impulses.

Magic, science. Perhaps science has always been misunderstood magic. Of course, to read Brian Weiss with a necessary critical vision is to delve into transcendent assumptions often presented only under his vision that are more true than ever.

Top 3 Recommended Books By Brian Weiss

Many lives, many teachers

The power of hypnosis for that leap from our walls to levels of consciousness inaccessible from the reason that builds them. Certainly a medical utility. The question is whether there can be more ..., once rediscovered essential aspects of our being, perhaps we can access unimaginable essences ...

The true story of a psychiatrist, his young patient, and the regression therapy that changed their lives forever. A meeting point between science and metaphysics.

Dr. Brian Weiss, chief of psychiatry at Mount Sinai Hospital in Miami, recounts in this, his first book, an amazing experience that completely changed his own life and his vision of psychotherapy.

One of his patients, Catherine, recalled several of her past lives under hypnosis and was able to find in them the origin of many of the traumas she suffered. Catherine was cured, but something even more important happened: she managed to get in touch with the Masters, higher spirits that inhabit the states between two lives. They communicated important messages of wisdom and knowledge to him.

This deeply moving story, a meeting point between science and metaphysics, was an extraordinary best sellers and it is still a must-read in a troubled world, especially for those seeking a spiritual sense.

Many lives, many teachers

Many bodies, the same soul

The unity of matter. Feedback until the Big Bang that would fill everything moments before the explosion. Consciousness cannot encompass until that moment of fusion before the explosion of everything above the void, but that we cannot reach it does not mean that it does not exist.

And it is not about looking for the immensity as a titanic mission before which we feel like a speck of dust. On the contrary, knowing can make us great. That is Weiss's view in this book on the reincarnation thread.

In this fascinating and innovative book, Dr. Weiss reveals how touching our future lives can transform our present lives.

The first book by Brian Weiss, famous for discovering past life regression therapy, is already a classic of which more than 200.000 copies have been sold in Spain. The psychiatrist Brian Weiss gained international notoriety with his research on the healing power of regression to previous lives, recounted in his famous work Many lives, many teachers.

In this book, the author shows us that what we do in this life will influence our reincarnations along the evolutionary path to immortality.

This is a revolutionary work, delving into Dr. Weiss's discoveries about the past to transport his millions of readers to an individual and collective future for which they are responsible for their creation. Along the way, their lives will be profoundly transformed and they will find more peace, more happiness, and solutions to their problems.

Many bodies, the same soul

The messages of the wise

The power of example. Nothing better to manifest the reality of a new science that leaves behind a psychiatry that served as a lever but that caused new meta-scientific movements.

Brian Weiss transmits to us in this book the message imparted by the teachers and the testimonies, intimate and surprising, of the miraculous potential of love.

En Many lives, many teachers y Bonds of love, Brian Weiss opened an unexpected door to the world of regressions to other existences and showed us that we all have souls waiting to meet us.

En The messages of the wise delves into the knowledge of the Sages, our spiritual guides, and speaks to us of love as an essential force of life.

This book offers the intimate and surprising testimonies of the miraculous power of love. Through them we will know what happens after death. But not only that: we will also learn strategies to regain inner peace.

The messages of the wise
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