The 3 best books of Benito Taibo

In versatility is creative taste. And blessed are those who can perform in that particular melting pot that language offers to end up being a novelist, poet, screenwriter, screenwriter or even a copywriter.

But in the case of Benito taibo in this space we will stick to his facet as a novelist. Because his novels do not reach 10 and yet any of them have that brilliance of the singular. Strangely, the geniuses that are scattered in dozens of books end up oversupplying their readers. And perhaps the grace also resides, like narrative menus, in the enjoyment of a restrained palate.

Heir then of Juan Rulfo, not only of country but of bibliographic conciseness, Benito Taibo is full of fantasy applied to reality. A combination only suitable for very capable pens.

Top 3 recommended books by Benito Taibo

You hunches

Chance makes sure that big encounters happen to the right people. Or perhaps everything is a plan drawn up that has nothing random but forcefully predestined despite free will and misfortune. The track to follow is always a hunch.

I found the box by chance; it was small and firmly tied with a blue string. With black marker, on the lid, it had the owner's name printed: Paco. Thus, without last names, without any warning not to touch or fragile or dangerous material. Inside could be anything from stuffed butterflies, a dinosaur egg, a mysterious island map, or a dodo bird feather.

However, it contained notebooks. green and thin, the kind that you could buy before at any stationery store and that no longer exist today. I also found two stones. One white and one black. He and I. Us. A signed card topped it all: "Friday: Do with them what you want." I share with you one of them. His name is You hunches. It is written by my uncle Paco, the man who in many ways saved my life and managed to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.  

You hunches

Normal person

Nobody in his fabulous judgment can be a normal person. And of course Sebastián is a fabulous being, from the moment he entered to occupy space in the life of his uncle Paco. Because there are people capable of transforming everything in their vital cadence made into a fantastic melody.

Since Uncle Paco took care of him, Sebastián has lived incredible adventures: he had an unexpected encounter with a huge feline, got a star map for a poor alien lost on Earth, survived the onslaught of a huge sea monster, fought the side of the Sioux to defend their territory from the colonizers… What about Sebastian? Isn't he a "normal person"?

Normal person

From my wall

Organizing life by micro-stories, by moments or thoughts transmitted on social networks, nothing better than a good bath in stories of posturing and nonsense, of surrealism upon which to dig to find the illustrious certainties of nothingness that awakens an icy laugh of bewilderment.

Of dreams of vainglory and inconsequential accidents made epicenters of the earthquake of life. From fantasies escaped from dreams to real life and from ghosts tired of traveling without landing, from myths, legends and missed calls, from great ideas and resounding failures.

Everything can be learned depending on who is telling it and how skillful they are to deconstruct everything towards the comically more true. A dog fond of eating his math homework, the accidental murder of a fairy, a boy who needs to be taken out of his mouth, the impossibility of avoiding the Sunday afternoon depression, an adventurer anthropologist who crosses the Atlantic on a papyrus raft, writers and books that are capable of illuminating the entire universe, all of this and more.

From my wall
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